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Saga: A Sub-threshold Conflict Wargaming System

Saga is a wargaming system based on the need to fight for information within opaque and complex information environments. Intelligence will come in many shades of grey; it might be complete, it might be partial, it might be misinformation or disinformation. Games are multi-sided with teams being formed of players from any type of role needed for the scenario (e.g. military, influence, cyber, economic…). Throughout the game they must combine their arrays of skills to pierce the fog of conflict and uncover their adversaries’ actions and intentions. Saga uses a number of novel design elements to combine the flexibility of seminar and matrix wargaming with the benefits of analytical wargaming. Thus, it has minimal set-up time and intuitive adjudication methods, but it captures all game data and supports a myriad of post-game analysis methods.

Peter Williams is a Research Specialist in Wargaming at the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) in Australia. Prior to this position, he spent over 15 years as a Land Operations Analyst; working on collecting data from wargames and analysing the outcomes in order to measure the impact of emerging capabilities and concepts for Defence. Thus, he developed an unnatural tendency to make every wargame an Analytical Wargame. Over the past few years, Peter has focused his designs on sub-threshold conflict; exploring ways to model the grey zone and levers of conflict which lie outside of open warfare. He has developed three serious games on the topic so far and is desperately hoping to make a good one sometime soon. Outside of professional wargaming, Peter likes Santorini, Abyss, Diplomacy, Mordheim and Thunderstone Quest. (And a billion other games.)

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January 23

Wargaming's Influence on U.S. Navy Tactical Doctrine, 1906-1941

February 20

Integrating Scientific Experiments with Wargaming Mechanics