GUWS is proud to highlight educational wargaming programs.

SEST 560: Basics of Wargaming

Instructor: Sebastian J. Bae, Adjunct Assistant Professor
SEST 560-01, Center for Security Studies, Georgetown University
This course provides a basic introduction to the field of wargaming, emphasizing its use in military strategy and defense policy. The course will examine the fundamental principles of wargaming and game design. Students will be exposed to a range of design philosophies, varying in purpose, style, and format. The course centers on student teams researching, designing, developing, and play-testing an original educational wargame on a topic related to military strategy. Course instruction will be a combination of lecture, gameplay, and discussion – drawing upon both professional and commercial wargames.
Overall, the course considers a wide range of questions in order to provide students with a deeper understanding of wargaming and its uses. Among the questions it examines are: What makes a good or bad wargame? What design philosophies, techniques, and tools can be used to craft wargames? How can wargaming be leveraged as an educational tool? What are the strengths and weaknesses of wargaming as a methodology and discipline? How can wargaming improve decision-making? 
Commercial and educational inquiries about the course can be directed towards Professor Sebastian J. Bae,